24. Technical data
24 kW 30 kW
CE certificate 1312-BP-4083 1312-BP-4084
Performance category **** ****
NoX class 5 5
Category II2H3P II2H3P
Heating output 80°C/60°C kW 5 to 21 6 to 27
Heating output 50°C/30°C kW 6 to 23 7 to 29
Variable cylinder heating power PN max kW
25,1 30,2
Nominal gas flow rate (15°C-1013 mbar) min max min max
Central Heating and cylinder heating (gas flow rate) Qn kW 5,5 22 25 6,5 28 30
G20 (NG H - Lacq) 34,02 MJ/m
under 20 mbar Vr m
0,58 2,33 2,65 0,69 2,96 3,17
G31 (propane) 46,4 MJ/kg under 37 mbar Vr kg/h 0,43 1,71 1,94 0,50 2,17 2,33
Membrane Diameter (mm)/marking
G20 mm without without
G31 propane mm 4,4 4,6
Adjustable heating outlet temperature °C 25 to 85 25 to 85
Central heating minimum flow rate l/h 300 300
Central heating circuit maximum pressure Pw max bar
3 3
Central heating expansion vessel capacity L 6 8
Expansion vessel inflation pressure bar 0,7 0,7
Electric voltage 230 volt, single phase-50 Hz 230 volt, single phase-50 Hz
Electrical input power W 150 150
Electrical protection IP 44 IP 44
Mass flow rate for combustion products 11,5 13,5
Fume temperature (60-80) °C 67 67
Fume temperature (30-50) °C 60 60
CO2 G20
9 9
CO2 G31 % 10 10
Flue duct type C13 C33 C43 C53 B23 C13 C33 C43 C53 B23