Step 10. Install the controller driver
For a new system:
• Driver installation usually takes places as part of operating sys-
tem installation. Please reference the Chapter 4 Diver Installation
for the detail installation procedure.
In an existing system:
• Install the controller driver into the existing operating system.
Please reference the Chapter 4, Driver Installation, for the detailed
installation procedure.
Look for newest release versions of drivers please download
from http://www.areca.com.tw
Step 11. Install ArcHttp proxy Server
The SATA RAID controller rmware has embedded the web-browser
RAID manager. ArcHttp proxy driver will enable it. The browser-
based RAID manager provides all of the creation, management,
and monitor SATA RAID controller status. Please refer to the
Chapter 5 for the detail ArcHttp proxy server installation. For SNMP
agent function, please refer to Appendix C.
Step 12. Determining the Boot sequences
The SATA RAID controller is a bootable controller. If your system
already contains a bootable device with an installed operating sys-
tem, you can set up your system to boot a second operating sys-
tem from the new controller. To add a second bootable controller,
you may need to enter setup and change the device boot sequence
so that the SATA RAID controller heads the list. If the system BIOS
setup does not allow this change, your system may not be con-
gurable to allow the SATA RAID controller to act as a second boot