
BROWSER - Using the Browser
The browser is used to navigate the fi le system on the Gmini
400. The fi le system is FAT32, the same type of fi le system
that is found on Windows
based computers. That is, it is a
hierarchical system which includes folders and subfolders.
Because you will be putting hundreds of fi les on your Gmini
400, it is STRONGLY ADVISED that keep a neat and orderly fi le structure.
Otherwise, you will be spending time searching for fi les and not listening
or watching them. We suggest that on the fi rst level of your fi le structure,
you include the folders: Data, Music, Playlists, Photo and Video.
The folders Music, Photo and Video are special folders in that the icons
on the main screen lead to these folders and then places you directly in
that folder. If these folders are deleted, you will be placed at the root level
(highest level) of the directory hierarchy.
12.1 Navigating the Directory Structure
Just below the top status bar, you
can see the path to the directory
you are currently viewing.
To navigate the directory structure you will use:
ENTER Open the
highlighted folder
(directory) or Play the
highlighted fi le.
Move the cursor up and
down to the previous or
next fi le or folder.
ESC/STOP Go back to
the main menu.
Move back and forth
between windows in the
double browser.