073-1349 Rev. A 7
© 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Part Four: Restoring the bundled applications
1. To install the bundled applications, locate the Applications Install Disc that came with your
Note: You may see a Software Update icon bouncing up and down in your dock. You can
quit this for now.
2. Insert the Applications Install Disc into the optical drive.
3. The disc will mount and an Applications Install Disk dialog appears. Double-click on Install
Bundled Software to install your iLife applications.
4. A dialog appears asking if you want to run the package. Click Continue.
5. The Bundled Software Applications Installer screen appears. Click Continue.
6. A software license screen appears. Click Continue, then click Agree to accept the terms.
7. A select destination dialog appears. Make sure the partition with the green arrow is the
correct destination, then click Continue.
8. To install all the bundled applications, click Install.
9. To select individual applications, click Customize. Click the disclosure triangle next to
Bundled Applications to select individual applications, then click Install. Clicking Standard
Install on the Customize screen installs all the applications.
10. Type the password you created in Part Three, step 11 to start the installation.
11. A restart dialog appears. Click Continue Installation.
12. An Install was Successful screen appears. Click Restart.
The restore process is now complete.
It is a good idea to make sure you’ve updated all the software after performing this procedure.
From the Apple () menu, choose Software Update to nd the updates currently available for
your computer.
Apple Inc.
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