82Metered Rack PDU User Guide
How to Export Configuration Settings
Retrieving and Exporting the .ini File
Summary of the procedure
An Administrator can retrieve the .ini file of a Rack PDU and export it to another Rack PDU or to
multiple Rack PDUs.
1. Configure a Rack PDU to have the settings you want to export.
2. Retrieve the .ini file from that Rack PDU.
3. Customize the file to change at least the TCP/IP settings.
4. Use a file transfer protocol supported by the Rack PDU to transfer a copy to one or more other
Rack PDUs. For a transfer to multiple Rack PDUs, use an FTP or SCP script or the .ini file utility.
Each receiving Rack PDU uses the file to reconfigure its own settings and then deletes it.
Contents of the .ini file
The config.ini file you retrieve from a Rack PDU contains the following:
• section headings and keywords (only those supported for the device from which you retrieve the
file): Section headings are category names enclosed in brackets ([ ]). Keywords, under each
section heading, are labels describing specific Rack PDU settings. Each keyword is followed by
an equals sign and a value (either the default or a configured value).
• The
Override keyword: With its default value, this keyword prevents the exporting of one or
more keywords and their device-specific values. For example, in the
[NetworkTCP/IP] section,
the default value for
Override (the MAC address of the Rack PDU) blocks the exporting of
values for the
SystemIP, SubnetMask, DefaultGateway, and BootMode.
INI and Network Port Sharing
The INI configuration utility is able to get and set values for all Rack PDUs in a group. In order to be
backwards compatible, the host Rack PDU will always be designated as first, "PDU_A". Any guest
Rack PDUs are then designated "PDU_B", "PDU_C", and "PDU_D" based on their Display ID in
ascending order. Therefore, "PDU_A" will not necessarily correlate to Display ID 1, and so on.
Note: Because of the large number of configuration values possible in a Rack PDU group, it may take a
very long time to process an INI file set. For example, a Rack PDU group of 4 units with all values
changing may take 30 minutes to complete processing.