InRow RD 10 kW Air Cooled Operation and Maintenance30
High Suction Pres
(High Suction Pressure)
Warning • Check the air filter and fans for obstructions
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Fan Num Fault
(Fan # Fault)
Warning • A hardware failure exists. For assistance, contact APC at a number
on the back cover of this manual.
Water Detected Warning • Identify the source of the leak. Water could be from the condensate
pump, condensate carryover from the evaporator, or condensation.
• For assistance, contact APC at a number on the back cover of this
Conds Pump Fault
(Condensate Pump Fault)
Warning • A hardware failure exists. For assistance, contact APC at a number
on the back cover of this manual.
Pan Full
(Condensate Pan Full Fault)
Critical • Empty the pan and make sure the drain line is not clogged.
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Fan PwrSp Fault
(Upper Fan Power Supply
Critical • Make sure the power source is connected properly and the power is
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Fan PwrSp Fault
(Lower Fan Power Supply
Warning • Make sure the power source is connected properly and the power is
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Air Fltr RnHr Violation
(Air Filter Run Hours
Warning • Reset the Air Filter Run Hours after the air filter is cleaned or
Grp Comm Fault
(Group Communication Fault)
Critical • Make sure the number of cooling units in the group is configured
properly and the A-Link connections between cooling units are
• Make sure the system is receiving power and is connected properly.
• A hardware failure exists. For assistance, contact APC at a number
on the back cover of this manual.
Sply Air High Temp
(Supply Air High Temperature
Warning • Make sure the Supply Air threshold is set correctly in the Set Unit
Threshlds screen.
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Rtn Air High Temp
(Return Air High Temperature
Warning • Make sure the Return Air threshold is set correctly in the Set Unit
Threshlds screen.
• If the problem persists, contact APC at a number on the back cover
of this manual.
Filter DP Sensor Failure Warning • Make sure the sensor is connected properly.
• If the problem persists, replace the sensor or contact APC at a
number on the back cover of this manual.
Suction Temperature Sensor
Warning • Make sure the sensor is connected properly.
• If the problem persists, replace the sensor or contact APC at a
number on the back cover of this manual.
Alarm Message Severity Action Required