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FCT –PL 001 DO
Access Audio Ltd
The fixed cellular terminal is a GSM terminal to which conventional fixed telephony
equipment can be connected in such a way that access to the switched telephone
network is established via the GSM network.
The F151s units incorporate a standard telephone interface to which any conventional
telephone equipment can be connected – just like plugging in the telephone to the
traditional fixed analogue network. The units include the best of both worlds, fixed and
mobile telephony. As far as the end-customer is concerned, it is simply a telephone
plug...with a little extra!
Additionally, the F151s can be connected to a PBX. When Low Cost Routing (LCR) is
programmed onto the PBX, calls to mobiles made from the desktop will be charged at
the prevailing mobile-to-mobile tariff. This could enable the customer to make significant
cost savings on their telephone bill.
Excellent quality of voice is guaranteed thanks to E
nhanced Full Rate CODEC. In
addition, the unit’ s intelligence allows it to carry out automatic network searches and can
operate on DUAL bands. The possibility of using a safeguard battery should there be a
failure in mains power yields maximum telephone network access in any circumstance.
These units are adaptable and can be installed anywhere within a building, or wherever
the fixed telephone connection is eventually needed. They have been designed to be
extremely easy to install in order to keep associated start-up costs to an absolute
As these are GSM terminals, they provide the entire range of subscriber services that
the network supports, such as pre-pay subscriptions,
dentification presentation
(CLIP) through the a/b line, SMS, Call Waiting, Call Barring, Call Forwarding, Multi-
Conferencing or Alternate Line Service.