For Voltage Check
1 .Attach leads to the volt-ammeter
and select the proper voltage scale.
2 .Test voltage at the motor line terminals and verify
that it’s within limits while the motor is operating.
3 .Voltage should be within ±10% of the design
voltage specified on the motor nameplate.
For Amperage Check
1 .Remove the leads from the
volt-ammeter if attached. Select
lowest reading amperage scale
a c c o rding to motor nameplate rating.
2 .Clamp instrument around one incoming lead at the
motor terminal board .
3 . O b s e rve the amperage as motor runs. With proper
voltage, the reading should not exceed the
MAXIMUM LOAD or SF amps rating of the motor.
Replacing the bearings in a motor isn’t a difficult task,
p r ovided you follow set pro c e d u res. These instru c t i o n s
explain the correct method of motor bearing re m o v a l
and replacement. If a bearing is noisy or doesn’t ru n
s m o o t h l y, it should be replaced. If a bearing has been
removed for any reason, it should be replaced with a
new one. As a rule, if it’s necessary to replace one
bearing, replace the other as well.
Use only A.O. Smith bearings with the proper part
number for the motor that you’re working on. A.O.
Smith bearings are lubricated and re q u i re no furt h e r
attention during their life. Do not substitute or reuse old
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