Installation and Service Manual Upsilon-Series
Boiler parameters
P100 0 Domestic hot water facility (visible when boiler address is 2 - 8) 0-4
0: no DHW
1: Solo boiler with 3-wa
2: n.a.
3: Solo boiler with c
linder loadin
P4 and 3-wa
4: n.a.
P102 0 Cascade flue gas system 0-3
0: Flue
as s
stem individual or collective under
1: N.a.
2: Flue gas system collective over pressur
3 N.a.
P108 0 Kind of gas 0-1
0: natural ga
1: propane ga
P122 0 DHW temperature sensor T3 0-1
0: autodetec
1: connected
P123 30 Switching time 3-way valve in seconds 0-255
P125 1 DHW priority 0-1
0: No
1: Yes
P132 1 Pump continuously 1-2
2 Unit
P1 and installation
P154 100% Maximum load CH 0-100
P155 100% Maximum load DHW 0-100
P160 100% Maximum pump capacity (only with modulating circulation pump) 30-100
P179 1 Overrun time cylinder pump P2/P4 in minutes (if P100 > 1) 0-60
P181 5 Minimum cool down DHW temperature in °C (if P100 > 0) 0-15
P182 1 Load adjustment due to temperature fall DHW in °C/10sec. (if P100 > 0) 0-10
P183 65 DHW Anti legionella temperature (if P100<>0 and P122=1) in °C 10-80
P184 7 DHW Anti legionella service timer (if P100<>0 and P122=1) in days 1-30
P185 3:00 DHW Anti legionella time of day (if P100<>0 and P122=1) 0:00-23:50
P190 80 Flow temperature T10 at DHW in °C (using cylinder thermostat) (if P100 > 0) 10-90
P801 0% Local altitude compensation and flue length 0-15%
Burner A parameters
When the boiler has 2 heat exchangers Burner B will follow with the same parameters
When the boiler has 2 heat exchangers Burner B will follow with the same parameters
HEX4: 65%
HEX2: 80%
Minimum pwm-level pump (only with modulating pump). 43-100%
Service chapters
Choose burner AB, A or B after selecting one of the functions using arrow buttons. Exchanger
symbol will show: AB, A or B
Throttle 0
Manually burner control.
Press OK, then + and - button to increase/decrease the value (0=off, 1%=low load untill 100%=full
Airflush 0
Manually fan control
Press OK, then + and - button to increase/decrease the value
Pumpspeed. 43 Minimum pump speed (only with modulating circulation pump) 43-100%
3-way valve / P2 CH
Manually control of the 3-way valve for DHW.
Only for boilers with DHW via 3-way valve
(at P2: on-off)
Pump P3 off
Manually control of the system pump P3. (Only when pump is off)
When 'On' pump symbol will be displayed
Pump P4 off Manually control of the DHW pump P4 on-off
LPG off Manually control of LPG valve (Volt-free) on-off
Fault off Manually control of fault relay for external error signal (Volt-free) on-off
Heat demand off Manually control of heat demand relay for external display heat demand (Volt-free) on-off
Boiler on-off off
Manually control of external heating source. On-off contact for control external heating source (not
visible in case of LPG)
Boiler address Adjusting/changing boiler address 01-08
Reset Counters Reset of counters after maintenance interval