1. The glass ampoule contains liquid Ethylene Oxide (EtO) and
an inert solid stabilizer. The ampoule is scored at the neck for
easy opening.
2. A plastic/fabric break shield surrounds the ampoule.
The ampoule and shield are sealed inside a plastic gas-
release bag, which should never be opened.
IMPORTANT! Push the ampoule to the center of the
gas release bag before activating
3. After the gas release bag is placed inside of the sterilization
liner bag and it is secured to the purge bobbin, the sterilization
bag is then vacuumed down. To release pure EtO gas, manually
snap off the top of the ampoule by manipulating it through the
walls of the sterilization liner bag. The plastic/fabric shield
prevents the broken glass of the opened ampoule from punctur-
ing the gas-release bag.
4. The liquid EtO then boils, releasing 100% EtO gas
within the gas-release bag, leaving residual deposits of
the previously dissolved inert solid stabilizer.
5. Since the walls of the gas-release bag are permeable only to
EtO gas and not the inert solid stabilizer, only the 100% pure
EtO gas diffuses through the walls of the gas-release bag and
into the liner bag.
6. EtO possesses great kinetic energy, which causes the
gas molecules to spread out to every cubic centimeter of
the liner bag by their own velocity.