Figure 22 - Audio Output
To use this port, plug in a
compatible auxiliary cable and
connect it to your assistive
listening device. Speak into the
handset when you use the Audio
Output connection.
Cochlear Implant Adapter Cord
A cochlear adapter cord is
available from Ameriphone that
can be used to directly connect the
XL-40 to a speech processor.
Connecting the speech processor:
Caution: Before plugging any cord
into your speech processor, you
must consult your implant
• Plug the mono end of the plug
into the speech processor.
• Plug the stereo end of the plug
into the Audio Output socket on
the phone.
• Speak into the handset when
using the Cochlear Implant
Adapter Cord
WARNING! During thunderstorms,
avoid using telephones (except
cordless models). Electric shock
from lightning can occur.
Figure 23 - Connection of
Speech Processor
Special Features
Please do not program 911
in any memory button.
Direct Audio Output
The AUDIO OUTPUT socket allows
you to connect the XL-40 to a
hearing aid, neck loop, cochlear
implant or other assistive listening