
6. Sensors and transducers
To access one of the parameters
displayed, press and change
value using or . Confirm the
value by pressing
Temp probe: Sensor type:
NTC (factory setting)
Press probe: Pressure transducer:
4..20mA (factory setting)
Min Press: Pressure at 0V, 0mA or
4 mA (-1.0 to 0.0 bar - factory
setting: 0.0 bar)
Max Press: Pressure at 10V, 1V or
20 mA (16 to 50 bar - factory
setting: 30bar)
7. Operation limits
To access one of the parameters
displayed, press and change
value using or . Confirm the
value by pressing
LP (Sat Temp): Low evaporating
pressure limit (-25 to 0°C - factory
setting: -4°C)
Timer LP: Low pressure fault timer
after compressor start (0 to 300 s -
factory setting: 60s)
HP Cool StP: High pressure limit in
cooling mode (15 to 40 bar - factory
setting: 28 bar)
HP Heat StP: High pressure limit in
heating mode (15 to 40 bar - factory
setting: 28 bar)
8. Analog Output (for speed inverter)
Note:This screen is displayed only if
“Invert” has been selected in the HP
control menu (refer to §3)
To access one of the parameters
displayed, press and change
value using or . Confirm the
value by pressing
Low 0V: Minimum fan speed (0
to 10 bar - factory setting: 8 bar)
High 10V: Maximum fan speed
(11 to 40 bar - factory setting: 16 bar)
Temp probe NTC
Press probe 4..20mA
Min Press 0.0bar
Max Press 30.0bar
LP (Sat Temp) -4°C
Timer LP 60 s
HP Cool Stp 28.0 bar
HP Heat Stp 28.0 bar
Analog output
Low OV 08.0 bar
High 10V 16.0 bar
Unit configuration menu:
20 CG-SV01B-E4