
Chapter 2 WINBIOS Setup 51
Advanced Setup, Continued
Hit <DEL> Message Display Set this option to Disabled to prevent
Hit <DEL> if you want to run Setup
from appearing when the system boots. The settings are Enabled or Disabled.
The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Enabled.
Wait for <F1> If Error AMIBIOS POST runs system diagnostic tests that can generate a
message followed by:
Press <F1> to continue
If this option is set to Enabled, AMIBIOS waits for the end user to press <F1>
before continuing. If this option is set to Disabled, AMIBIOS continues the
boot process without waiting for <F1> to be pressed. The settings are Enabled
or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Enabled.
Pause on Config. Screen This option specifies the length of time that the AMIBIOS
configuration screen appears. The settings are 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec, 5 sec, 6 sec, 7
sec, 8 sec, 9 sec, or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are
Boot Up Num Lock Set this option to Off to turn the Num Lock key off when the computer is
booted so you can use the arrow keys on both the numeric keypad and the
keyboard. The settings are On or Off. The default settings are On.
Password Check This option enables password checking every time the system boots or when
you run AMIBIOS Setup. If Always is chosen, a user password prompt appears
every time the computer is turned on. If Setup is chosen, the password prompt
appears if AMIBIOS is executed. See the Advanced Setup chapter for
instructions on changing a password. The Optimal and Fail-Safe defaults are