
Heater Service:
The MASTER BLASTER™ foggers all come with a unique and innovative removable heater
unit. This exciting feature allows the end user to remove and clean the heater core when it
becomes clogged or dirty.
AAllwwaayyss rreemmeemmbbeerr ttoo ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy wwhheenn sseerrvviicciinngg tthhiiss oorr aannyy uunniitt
2. Remove the heater core with a wrench.
3. With a wire brush, carefully clean off all corrosion and grime build up.
4. You may also soak the heater core in a bath of American Clean Machine. This will help
loosen the corrosion build up making it easier to scrub off with a wire brush.
5. Remove and replace the heater core gasket -
FFaaiilluurree ttoo rreeppllaaccee tthhee oolldd ggaasskkeett wwiillll rreessuulltt
iinn ffoogg jjuuiiccee lleeaakkiinngg ffrroomm tthhee ffrroonntt ooff tthhee nnoozzzzllee..
6. After you have removed all the corrosion build up and have replaced the gasket,
replace the heater core and tighten.
BBee ssuurree nnoott ttoo oovveerr ttiigghhtteenn tthhee hheeaatteerr ccoorree
7. Reconnect power supply.
TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg aanndd SSeerrvviiccee::
If you experience low output, pump noise, or no output at all, disconnect immediately. Do
not attempt to continue pushing the remote button as this may damage unit. Check fluid
level, the external fuse, remote connection, and check power from wall. If all of the above
appear to be O.K., and the unit fails to operate correctly, the unit will require service. Return
the machine to an American DJ Authorized dealer or service center.
All commercial series,
foggers carry a one year limited warranty.
We recommend you fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase.
All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and
accompany a R.A. #. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a proof of purchase
Affordable Quality Lighting Products from American DJ Supply, Inc. Los Angeles, CA. 90058 Page 3
700 fogger shown with its
heater core removed.