1-34 American-Lincoln
91 WS
If an LP tank is damaged or leaking, it should be immediately removed to a designated safe area and the proper
personnel should be notifies. Do not attempt to make repairs to the cylinder regardless of its condition. Repairs
must be made by qualified personnel.
The care an LP tank receives has a direct bearing on how long the tank can be used safely. LP tanks must not
be dropped, dragged, or slid across any surface. To move the LP tank, use a hand truck or roll the tank on its
foot ring while it is being held in a position slightly off the vertical.
Refueling machines with LP tanks is an important process. Refueling is accomplished by replacing the empty
LP tank with a full one.
The tank changing operation presents an opportunity for the machine operator to carefully inspect the tank, tank
fittings, the fuel lines, and fuel line fittings. If abnormal wear is detected, the operator should report these
findings to the appropriate personnel for immediate action.
1. Park the machine in a designated safe area and set the parking brake.
2. Close the tank valve.
3. Remove the quick disconnect coupling from the tank valve.
4. Inspect the machine’s fuel lines and the quick disconnect coupling for damaged or abnormal wear.
5. Remove the empty tank from the holding device.
6. Inspect the tank and tank fittings for damage and abnormal wear. Handle the tank carefully. It must nor be
dropped or mishandled.
7. Store the LP tank in a designated safe area.
8. Select a filled LP tank and observe for damage or leaks.
9. Carefully install the filled tank in the machine so that the tank centering pin enters the aligning hole (closest
to the tank) in the tank collar. This assures that the tank is positioned properly and allows for proper
operation of the safety relief valve, liquid level gauge, and service valves.
10. Fasten the tank retaining bracket so that the tank is locked into position.
11. Reconnect the fuel line to the tank servicing coupling.
12. Open the service valve slowly and check for leaks. If a leak is found, close the valve immediately and notify
the appropriate personnel.
13. If no leaks are detected, the engine is ready to start. Do not start the engine unless the operator is in
position with the directional control pedal in the neutral position.
Whether the storage is inside or outside, the LP tanks should not be in the vicinity of combustible materials or
high temperature sources such as ovens or furnaces. This may cause the heat to raise the pressure of the fuel
to a point where the safety valves would begin to operate. Care should be taken to ensure that the cylinders are
stored in such a manner that if the safety relief valves are triggered, the vapor will be relieved rather than any
Valves on empty tanks must be closed during storage and transportation.
Similar precautions should be taken in storing machines fitted with LP tanks. They may be stored or serviced
inside buildings provided there are no leaks in the fuel system and the tanks have not been overfilled. If ma-
chines are being repaired inside a building, the shutoff valve on the tanks must be closed except when the
engine must be on during servicing.