MX2416RM PIN No.
2 2
3 3
5 5
Connection IBM-PC 9-pin D to MX2416RM 9-pin D
Note: 4, 6, 8 shorted together in IBM side only.
Port setting preferences for the control system or
computer being used to control the switcher should
be set as follows:
BAUD RATE (Bits per second) 2400
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
There is no software or hardware flow control
implemented. The RS-232 input has a 6-character
buffer and will not execute additional commands
until the previous command is fully processed.
[INP0] All channels OFF
[INP1] Select Input 1
[INP2] Select Input 2
[INP3] Select Input 3
[INP4] Select Input 4
[INP5] Select Input 5
[INP6] Select Input 6
[RSET] Reset unit to user defaults
[VERN] Returns firmware version
Inputs 5 & 6 are not selectable on the MX2414RM
Commands must be issued as shown, in ALL
CAPS and with the brackets [ ] included in the
command string. After processing a valid
command, an [OK] string will be returned. A
command echo will also follow the [OK].
For instance, a command of [INP1] would return
[OK][INP1]. The [VERN] command will return the
corresponding software version being used by the
switcher, such as an error string, [ERR] will be
If the control system being used is not setup to wait
for the [OK] string, it is important to include a 100
milliseconds delay between each command.
The MX2416RM Switcher is also designed to send
feedback commands from the switcher to the
control system when the buttons on the front panel
of the switcher are pressed.
The feedback codes are as follows:
Description Feedback
1 Input Select [INP1]
2 Input Select [INP2]
3 Input Select [INP3]
4 Input Select [INP4]
5 Input Select [INP5]
6 Input Select [INP6]
STAND BY All Outputs OFF [INP0]
Inputs 5 & 6 are not selectable on MX2414RM.
The following commands are added to the
standard set of commands in order to facilitate
control of multiple units using a single RS-232
control port. These commands are available on the
switcher that has firmware revision number: 2.0.
Use [VERN] commands to determine the firmware
revision. These commands add additional flexibility
to the switcher.
nn - Input Number 00 to 99
mm - Output Number 01-99
This command connects any input to any output.
The switching occurs as soon as the command is
completed. The input 00 is used to disconnect a
particular output from any input. For example,
command [I00O01] will disconnect output 1 from
any input.