2. [C]
This command receives the status of the card.
Command Format: [Cn]
Cn = card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
There is an MT110-103 card in slot 4. Sending
the command [C4] to the MultiTasker will yield
feedback similar to the following:
Matrix:8x8, In-Offset=0, Out-Offset=0
In01-Out01 ON 32/32
In02-Out02 ON 32/32
In01-Out03 ON 32/32
In01-Out04 ON 32/32
In01-Out05 ON 32/32
In01-Out06 ON 32/32
In01-Out07 ON 32/32
In01-Out08 ON 32/32
In this example, Input 1 is connected to all
outputs except for Output 2, which is connected
to Input 2. All outputs are turned on.
The volume level for each output is shown next
to its connection. The maximum level is 32 out
of 32 which is equal to a gain of one.
If there is no card in slot 4, sending the [C4]
command will not return any feedback.
3. [CnS]
This command saves the input to output
connections, on/off status and output volume
settings for each output. The saved
configuration will be restored after the system is
reset or powered off, then on.
Command Format: [CnS]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
S = Save configuration
If Input 1 is connected to all outputs, but only 1
through 4 are on, the feedback after sending the
command [C4S], for slot 4, would be similar to
the following:
Matrix:8x8, In-Offset=0, Out-Offset=0
In01-Out01 ON 32/32
In01-Out02 ON 32/32
In01-Out03 ON 32/32
In01-Out04 ON 32/32
In01-Out05 OFF 32/32
In01-Out06 OFF 32/32
In01-Out07 OFF 32/32
In01-Out08 OFF 32/32
4. […S] – SAVE
This command saves the configuration
command being sent in memory. When sending
the command [I1O1C4S], after reset or power
up, Input 1 will be connected to Output 1 on C4.
This command only saves the Input 1 to
Output 1 connection above. In order to save all
the current settings, use the [CnS] command.
5. [CLR]
This command clears the card, restoring the
default settings. In this case, Input 1 to all
outputs, all outputs on and all input levels to
Command Format: [CLRCn]
Cn = Group ID (n = # from max slots)
Clear the card in slot 4 by sending [CLRC4]. The
card in slot 4 is now set to its default values.