If one MT104-102 card is in slot #2 of unit 3:
To send command [VERC2U3], the Multi-
Tasker™ Enclosure will return feedback as:
MT104-102 690-0158-003
2. [C]
This command receives the status of the card.
Command Format: [CnUi]
Cn = card id (n = 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = unit id (i = from 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-
100 user’s guide for explanation)
If one MT104-102 card is in slot #2 of unit 3 with
input 1 ON:
To send command [C2U3], the Multi-Tasker™
Enclosure will return feedback as [On1C2] or
[On1ER03C2] if there is error number 3 (see error
code list).
If there is no card in slot #2 of unit 3, sending the
[C2U3] command will not return any feedback.
ER01: CPU Error
This error indicates that the CPU is not working
ER02: I²C Communication Error
This means that the communication between the
MT104-102 card and its serial device has failed.
ER03: RS485 Communication Error
This type of error is a communication error
between the MT104-102 card and the controller of
the Multi-Tasker™ Enclosure.
This command saves card status, such as Input
number connected to the output, as a default
configuration of the card.
3. [ON]
This command enables one input of a single card
or a group of cards.
• [ONmCnUiS]: for a single card
This command enables input “m” and disables all
other inputs.
Default when plugged in = Input 1 is ON
m = Input number (m = 1 to 6)
Cn = Card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
S = saves command to memory
If all of the inputs on the MT104-102 card are
OFF and the card is in slot #5 of unit 3:
1) [ON1C5U3]: Turns ON only input 1 of the
MT104-102 card.
2) [ON3C5U3]: Turns ON only input 3 (input 1 is
now OFF).
• [ONmGkUiS]: for a group of cards
This command enables input "m" for each card in
group "k" of unit "i".
m = card input (m = # from 1-6)
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
S = saves command to memory
[ON1G1U1]: Turns ON input 1 for each card in
group 1 of unit 1.
• [ON…P]: sets path
This command will set the path for the output, but
it is not active until the switch command is
executed ([SW]). Commands ending in "P" are
not executed immediately. The path for outputs
on multiple cards or the same card can be
Command Format: [ONmCnUiP]
m = input number (m = 1 to 6)
Cn = card ID no. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
P = path