Command Format: [VERCnUi]
Cn = card ID (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9) (refer to the
MT100-100 user’s guide for explanation)
If one MT103-120 card is in slot #2 of unit 3:
When sending command [VERC2U3], the Multi-
Tasker™ Enclosure will return feedback as
MT103-120 690-0125-010
MT103-120 = card type
690-0125-010 = software version
2. [C]
This command receives the status of the card.
Command Format: [CnUi]
Cn = card ID (n = a slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-100
user’s guide for explanation)
If one MT103-120 card is in slot #2 of unit 3
with S-Video outputs 1 and 2 ON and Video
Output 3 ON:
When sending the command [C2U3], the Multi-
Tasker™ Enclosure will return feedback as
SVID: 1,2 CVID: 3 C02
SVID: 1,2 = S-Video Outputs 1, 2 are enabled
CVID: 3 = Video Output 3 is enabled
C02 = card is in slot 2
If there is no card in slot #2 of unit 3, sending
the [C2U3] command will not return any
3. [CiS]
This command saves the current status of the
card's output enable configuration. This
configuration will be restored after system is
reset or powered off then on.
Ci = card number
S = save configuration
If S-Video Outputs 1,2,3 and Video Outputs
1,2,3 are enabled, the feedback after sending
the command [C4S], for slot 4, would be:
SVID: 1,2,3 CVID: 1,2,3 C04 Saved
4. [ONnSCi]
This command enables one or more of the
S-Video outputs to be turned ON.
Sending the command [ON12SC2] will enable
S-Video outputs 1 and 2 on card 2.
See command 8 [ON] for further details.
5. [ONnVCi]
This command enables one or more of the
Video outputs to be turned ON.
Sending the command [ON12VC2] will enable
Video outputs 1 and 2 on card 2.
See command 8 [ON] for further details.
6. [OFFnSCi]
This command disables one or more of the
S-Video outputs.
Sending the command [OFF12SC2] will disable,
turn OFF, S-Video outputs 1 and 2 on card 2.
See command 9 [OFF] for further details.
7. [OFFnVCi]
This command disables one or more of the
Video outputs
Sending the command [OFF12VC2] will disable,
turn OFF, Video outputs 1 and 2 on card 2.
See command 9 [OFF] for further details.
8. […S] – Save
This command will save the configuration
command being sent in memory. When
sending the command [ON1VC4S], after reset
or power up, Video output 1 on C4 will be