The [SETIDn] command is used for
programming the switcher; it should not be
used as a part of a program to operate the
n=1 - Use [ ] as start and end code
n=2 - Use ( ) as start and end code
n=3 - Use {} as start and end code
n=4 - Use :; as start and end code
n=5 - Use <> as start and end code
n=6 - Use : \ as start and end code
Default n=1
Through this command start and end code
(command delimiters) for RS-232 control,
command strings can be defined. This
command can be used for controlling the
switcher using different start and end codes.
This is an extremely powerful command and
can be used to control multiple switchers
individually from a single RS-232 control card
or PC.
For example, one switcher can be set to have
square brackets “[ ]” as the start and end code
though the [CODE1] command. The other
switcher is set to have round brackets “( )” as
start and end though the [CODE2] command.
To control the first switcher the command
would be [I02O03], but the same command to
control a second switcher would be (I02O03).
If codes are used to identify and control
individual units, then some general commands
which do not include unit ID no. in them can be
easily issued. For example, each unit can be
reset individually using the following
commands: [RSET] and (RSET).
nn - Input Number 01 to 08
mm- Output Number 01 to 04
Set the maximum number of inputs and
outputs used on the MAX Switcher. This
command is used at the factory at the time of
set up. If the maximum number of inputs is set
to 4, then input buttons 5,6,7, and 8 will not
work. Once programmed this setting remains
in effect even after power is turned on or off.
This command is used for programming the
switcher. It should not be used as a part of a
program to operate the switcher.
nn - Input Number 00 to 96
mm- Output Number 00 to 96
This command defines the offset for inputs and
outputs of a MAX Switcher. This command is
used when the number of inputs or outputs on
the switcher needs to be expanded. This
command allows continuous numbering of
inputs and outputs as the number of inputs and
outputs is increased. For example, if a 12 by 8
matrix switcher is made using two MAX 8x4
switchers, this command will allow you to
arrange inputs end outputs so a command like
[I12O04] is recognized. In this case the first
switcher will have the offset of inputs and
outputs set to zero by the [I00O00A] command
and the second switcher will have input offset 8
through the [I08O00A] command.
With this offset command, a matrix switcher
can build with a size up to 96x96. This
command is used for programming the
switcher. It should not be used as a part of a
program to operate the switcher.
nn – loop offset number 00 to 08
kk – any number from 00 to 99
This command is used when looping several
switchers together to increase the number of
inputs. The input offset will be the same as the
number of the last input of the previous unit
and it is sent to the switcher through the
[IkkOnnL] command. After programming
looped units, they can be controlled by a single
command, [IxxOyy] where xx is any number
from 01 to 99. Without this loop command
capability, units can be controlled with the
[IxxOyy] command but if several commands
are sent there will be a delay between two
consecutive commands. To avoid problems,
make sure that the following steps are taken: