© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Alamo Industrial Technical Services Department
1502 East Walnut
Seguin, Texas 78155
Buzz Bar Head Motor Coupler Re-Design:
Failures of the Motor to drive spindle molded coupler require inspection of the drive system and
possible replacement of the coupler parts.
Service Required: The Buzz bar drive system must be updated to the new molded rubber coupling
design prior to the implementation of this Service Bulletin. Refer to Technical Information Bulletin
041101 is related to this Service Bulletin.
The drive system will require inspection and possible replacement to ensure proper alignment
with the drive sheave.
There has been a design change to the drive coupler assembly for the Buzz bar Cutting Head.
If a flexible coupler, Alamo Industrial P/N 02974245 (for Machete) or P/N 02974246 (for A-Boom &
Slopemower), are ordered they will be a different design. The new flexible coupler design will be molded
rubber with metal inserts. The new molded rubber version will directly replace the machined design
using the same part number. An installation drawing, that describes the assembly in detail, will be
shipped if a new coupler is ordered. This bulletin is to inform you of the design change. If there are further
questions please contact Alamo Industrial's Technical Service Department.
Parts Required: Flexible Couple Repair Kits
Part No. Qty Description
02974245 1 Flexible Coupler Repair Kit. (For Machete Models)
02974246 1 Flexible Coupler Repair Kit. (For All Other Models)
Kits above will include the required parts as well as the required Hardware, The Kits will also
include an Instruction Sheet P/N 02977380 which has details on how to perform repairs.
Models: Machete Boom, A-Boom & Slope Mower Models
with Buzz Bar Head Option
Jul. 6, 2001
Bulletin No:
(Old # 200102)
100 % at Dealer Net
2.5 hrs. at Dealer registered
Shop Rate
Termination Date:
Sep 28, 2001
Old Parts Disposition:
Hold All Parts for Return
under Warranty Policy
Warranty Compensation will be provided following proper filing of warranty claim in accordance with
the Alamo Industrial Warranty Policy. Claim allowance may vary in accordance with laws governing a
specific region. Any Warranty associated with this service bulletin must be within authorized dates.