SX15 01/09 Operation Section 4-38
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Never unhitch without using the Tongue Jack. The Tongue is very heavy. Attempting to lift
the Tongue without using the Tongue Jack could cause strains or other injury. Allowing the
tongue to fall suddenly and unexpectedly could result in crushing injury. Use the Tongue
Jack for lifting the Implement only. Overloading the Tongue Jack can cause failure with
possible serious bodily injury or even death.
hen disconnecting the mower the tractor should
e completely shut down and secured in position.
elieve hydraulic pressure by moving the control
evers back and forth several times. Lower the
arking jack and raise the mower until the tongue
levis is no longer resting on the tractor drawbar
nd is supported solely by the jack. The jack
hould be in a near vertical position with the ground
nd can be adjusted by loosening the positioning
ut and moving the jack up to 15 degrees in each
irection. Also make sure that the jack foot is
ecurely resting at ground level or securely
upported by a block before raising the mower.
nce the mower tongue is being supported entirely
y the jack, remove the hitch bolt, locknut, and
ashers. Remove the hydraulic hoses from the
ractor and secure to the mower to prevent contact
ith dirt.
fter disconnecting the mower hitch, remove the
ower driveline from the tractor PTO shaft. Place
he driveline in its storage bracket to prevent it from
ontacting mud or dirt which can contaminate the
niversal joint bearings and shorten the life of the
fter the driveline has been removed from the
ractor, place the PTO master shield back in the
perating position. OPS-R-0031