ST15 (Archive Book) 01/04
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
ST15 / ST10
Jan. 2002
The Wing Cylinder attachments may need adjusting to level the Wing Axle to the
Center section Axle. These parts are listed in the Deck Component Secton
of parts manual.
Leveling will rquire that the mower is placed on a level surface with the full weight
of the mower on the tractor Draw Bar. The Cylinders must be connected and Bled. Lower
the Wings into the mowing position.
Locate the front to rear leveling rods (Control Rods), these are the rods that run from
center Axle to the Tongue. Adjust the control rods to level the mower from front to rear (on
the center section deck). Tightening (shortening) these control rods will raise the front.
Lengthening thes control rods will lower the front. Mower work best when the front is approx
1" lower than the rear. IMPORTANT that these control rods are tighten equal to where the
carry equal load. This can be check by tapping rod with ahammer and listening to the tone.
A loose control rod will have a dull sound compared to the tight one, tighten till they both
sound the same.
Adjust the Wing Axle Cylinder attachemnt. This will level the Wings with the center
section Left to Right. The Wing Adjus Weldment shown above is used for this. The Trailing
Nut and the Leading Nut will have to be moved together, as one is loosened the other will
have to moved. Moving adjust Weldment out will raise the wing and moving it in will lower
the Wing. When done make sure that both Nuts are tightened down.
Trailing Nut
Leading Nut
Wing Adjust