© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 5 - 12
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
Fill Hydraulic Tank
Fill Hydraulic Tank with Oil:
1. DO NOT START TRACTOR until you have filled
Hydraulic Oil Tank to a level as shown in Sight Glass
gauge and fill the Suction Hose to Pump with Oil.
2. Remove Filler Cap. Remove Filler cap only when
ready to fill hydraulic Tank with Oil. Do Not leave the Cap
off and the system Open, always keep system closed
when possible. Avoid any oil contamination. (See Figure
3. Avoid Hydraulic Contamination by filtering the
Hydraulic Oil while filling the Hydraulic Tank. Filter bug-
gies or carts are commercially available for Hydraulic
system cleanup and Oil transfer. These consist of high
capacity filter, a Circulating Pump, a Drive Motor and
hoses for connecting to the units hydraulic system.
When adding Oil always use Clean new Oil from a sealed
container, If you suspect the Oil of being contaminated
don't use it. (See Figure 30 & 31). It is best to always use
a filter system when adding even new oil.
4. When adding Oil in the field keeping it clean is
critical, do not use dirty funnels or hoses. Do Not open
Hydraulic tank or any containers unless the openings
have been cleaned first. The outside of the containers
must be clean. If a windy dusty day do not fill and allow dirt
to blow into oil. Always add Oil using a pump system with
at least a 10 Micron filter system. (See Figure 32)
Figure 29
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 30