© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 5 - 4
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
HydraulicControl Valve & Hoses - CAB
1. Install Control Valve Mount Bracket, Cab Model The cab model uses a bracket that will bolt
inside the cab to the fender wall (See Figure 6, 7 & 8). NOTE: For exact instructions on the removal of
any upholstery panels consult the tractor manufactures service / repair manual. The inside upholstery
panel on the RH side of the cab will need to be removed to find the two threaded mounting holes for
the control stand will bolt onto (See Figure 6) to the side piller of the cab on the right hand side. Install
the control Stand P/N 02979374 to the side panel of the RH cab support post (See Figure 6)
2. Cut Hole in Floor Mat for Cables and Electrical Harness to pass through. Cut a hole in the floor
mat of cab as shown (See Figure 9). Check under floor to make certain that there is noting under the
floor that can be hit when cutting hole or that will obstruct the cables and wire harnes after they are
Use on Cab (Remote
Cable Control) Models
Figure 6
Figure 9
3. Install Control valve for Cab Model. The control
valve for the cab model bolts onto the tractor frame (Cast-
ing) after the mower frame is installed. The valve must be
mounted to the valve mount plate before it is bolted onto
the tractor. There are two different valve mount plates (See
Figure 8 & 9A). Insert the cables down through the hole
in the floor (See Figure 9). The cables and wire harness
will have screw down cable boot over it (See Figure 11).
Make certain to run the cables through this cover before
connecting them at the ends as once the cables are con-
nected they cannot be run through the boot. The wire har-
ness can be run through later if wanted.
P/N 02979374
Control Mount Stand
(All CAB Tractors)
P/N 02980073
Valve Mount Plate
(All CAB Tractors)
Figure 7
P/N 02983228
Valve Mount Plate
(JD-5225 & JD-5325 Tractors only)
Figure 8
P/N 02983284
Offset Valve Mount Plate
(JD-5425 & 5525 Cab Tractors only)