Allen & Heath 30 ZED-R16 User Guide
When the mouse pointer hovers over the Master combo box, a ToolTip will display the IEEE1394 unique ID of the device.
The sample rate and sync source always refer to the selected clock master. When the device is not locked (synchronised and
working at the selected sample rate), a warning icon will appear under the Master display box. Hovering the mouse pointer
over the text will display a message stating whether the master device is locked or not.
The control panel is divided into two main sections, Global Settings and Device Settings.
Global Settings
All system related settings are here, grouped into four Tabs for Windows, two for the Mac version.
Bus Tab:
Contains controls for choosing the system clock master device, sample rate, synchronisation source, buffer size, and opera-
tion mode.
The Buffer Size (Windows only) option box contains a number of predefined sizes in its drop-down menu, or you may type in
a value. Depending on the setting, the driver may round the value and the current Operation Mode will enforce limits on the
buffer size, so the resulting value may not always be the same as what is entered.
The Operation Mode enforces buffer levels which help prevent performance-related dropouts when using audio on computers.
The higher the Mode number, the less chance of audio artefacts, with the sacrifice of increased system latency. Dropouts are
caused by the configuration of the computer, and also by what other applications are running at the time, and lastly by the
worst-case DPC latency caused by other drivers. Network drivers, for example, are a notorious source of latency on an
otherwise high-performance computer.