
AlfaSpid Rotator www.alfaradio.ca Page 16
Page 16 of 21 Alfa Radio Ltd. 11211 - 154 St. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5M 1X8 780 466 5779
Be careful not to over wind your coax with the next test, as there
will be no protection from over turning.
Find a small 12 volts supply which will deliver 3 to 4 amps. ( a small
12 Volt battery will work just fine )
To confirm that the motor runs you may connect 12 volts D.C. to the
lines that go to the motor, pins 1 and 2, it should turn. Reversing the
12 Volts D.C. should cause the motor to turn in the reverse direction.
Be careful not to over wind your coax with the next test, as there
will be no protection from over turning.
To confirm that the sense circuit in the rotator is working, connect an
ohm meter to the senses lines pins 3 and 4, apply 12 volts to the
motor lines pins 1 and 2; you should see the ohm meter reading
alternate between open circuit and about 1200 ohms.
Pin on Rotator not controller Typical Reading Your reading
Pins 1 to 2 About 2 to 4 Ohms __________
Depends on the length of
wire to rotator
Pins 3 to 4 Open or 1200 Ohms __________
Depends on the status of
the read switch
Pins 1 to 3 Open __________
Pins 2 to 3 Open __________
Pins 2 to 4 Open __________
Pin 1 to Ground Open __________
Pin 2 to Ground Open __________
Pin 3 to Ground Open __________
Pin 4 to Ground Open __________
Voltage on controller
Pins 1 to 2 About 12 volts with motor running
Depends on the supply
voltage (14 volt applied)
Pins 3 to 4 About 8.5 volts or 2.5 volts *
Depends on the status of
the read switch
and the Supply voltage ( 12
volts )