Song Mode
Getting Started with the Sequencer
Mix Your Song
The MIX page lets you change the panning and volume levels for the tracks in your song.
Needless to say, this is one of the most important steps in the completion of your song
production, and potentially one of the most creative. This example will keep things simple by
showing you how to change the volume level of one of your instruments. We’ll also take a quick
look at the track mute feature.
1. Press the MIXER soft button to bring up the MIX page.
The icons that represent pan-position knobs and volume-level faders resemble the
controls on a traditional mixing board. Manipulating them should be quite intuitive.
Simply position the cursor over a pan position knob or volume level fader, then turn the
Alpha Wheel to set the level you want. On keyboard models, the sliders control the
volume of the current bank of channels (as indicated by the line near the bottom of the
display). In the diagram below, the sliders would control the volume on Channels 1–8.
For example, suppose you want to turn down the organ on Track 3:
2. Use the Right or Left cursor button to position the cursor over Track 3’s volume level
fader on the MIX page.
Although the tracks aren’t numbered on the MIX page, they’re laid out logically: left-to-
right, from 1 through 16 consecutively. Track 3, then, is the third track from the left.
3. Use the Alpha Wheel to turn down the volume of the track by changing the position of the
volume slider.
4. Press the Keep soft button and save the change.
Now when you play back the song, Track 3’s volume starts playing at the newly set level.
You can also record real-time volume and pan changes from the MIX page or enter
numeric values for these parameters on the MAIN page.
Using the Mode Buttons to Mute a Track
Finally, we’ll take a quick look at the track mute feature, which lets you use the K2661’s mode
buttons to mute individual tracks. This can be invaluable during mixdown.
You may have noticed a horizontal line underneath the sliders for Tracks 1 through 8 on the MIX
page. As the illustration below shows, this is the “Quick Mute Track Bank Indicator,” showing
which bank of eight tracks will respond to the eight track-mute buttons. The eight mode buttons
Track 3 Volume Level Fader