Risk of injury from electrical current. Carefully obey the instructions for electrical connec-
• The electrical mains terminal is live.
• Make electrical mains terminal free of voltage.
• Install correctly to give shock protection.
• Loose and incorrect plug and socket connections can make the terminal become too hot.
• A qualified electrician must install the connections in the clamps correctly.
• Use a strain relief clamp on cable.
• Use the correct mains cable of type H05BB-F Tmax 90°C (or higher) for a single phase or
two phase connection.
• Replace the damaged mains cable with a special cable (type H05BB-F Tmax 90°C; or
higher). Speak to your local Service Centre.
The appliance must have the electrical installation which lets you disconnect the appliance
from the mains at all poles with a contact opening width of minimum 3 mm.
You must have correct devices to isolate: line protecting cut-outs, fuses (screw type fuses
removed from the holder), earth leakage trips and contactors.
To attach the seal to the rabbet
• Clean the rabbet in the work surface.
• Bond the seal stripe supplied on the upper surface of the rabbet along the edges of the
cut out section.
• Cut the seal stripe into four pieces in relation to the length of the edges of the rabbet.
• For the four corners of the rabbet the ends of the seal stripes must be cut into mitres. Do
not bond the ends over one another.
• Bond the seal stripe flush into the corner of the rabbet. Make sure that no silicon com-
pound can get below the glass ceramic when grouting.
• Do not extend the tapes.
6 Installation instructions