... Grey traces are found on the finished wash ?
Too little detergent was used for articles stained by
ointment, grease or oil. The quantity of detergent is
insufficient to dissolve grease ?
Was the temperature chosen too low ?
... Traces of fabric softener are found on the finished
wash ?
In such cases, usually fabric softener, in particular in
concentrated form, has gone directly into the wash
outside of the machine. Such spots should be
washed out as quickly as possible.
... At the end of the programme, there are white
detergent deposits on the wash ?
It is usually a case of insoluble elements of modern
detergents. They are not the result of insufficient
rinsing. Possible solution: brush out or shake out, or
turn articles inside out for washing.
... After the final rinse cycle, suds are still visible ?
Modern detergents can cause suds even in the last
rinse cycle, but this has no influence on the rinse
... The wash is not spun sufficiently and there is
water remaining in the drum ?
Is the discharge hose bent ?
Has the maximum height of the discharge hose of 1m
been exceeded ?