73 Appendix C
C.13 A/D Control — BASE+09H
Read/write register BASE+09H provides information on the PCI-
1718HDU/HGU's operating modes.
INTE Disable/enable generated interrupts
0 Disables the generation of interrupts. No interrupt signal can be sent
to the PC bus.
1 Enables the generation of interrupts. If DMAE = O the PCI-1718
card will generate an interrupt when it completes an A/D conversion.
Use this setting for interrupt driven data transfer.
If DMAE = 1 the PCI-1718HDU/HGU will generate an interrupt when it
receives a T/C (terminal count) signal from the PC's DMA controller,
indicating that a DMA transfer has completed.
Use this setting for DMA data transfer. The DMA transfer is stopped by
the interrupt caused by the T/C signal. See DMAE below.
ST1 to ST0 Trigger source
Table C.15: Register for A/D Control
Read/Write A/D control
Bit # 76543210
Trigger source ST1 ST0
Software trigger 0 X
External trigger 1 0
Pacer trigger 1 1