
29 Chapter 3
9. After setting load balancing mode, it is necessary to restart the sys-
tem. Microsoft requires starting WSS2003 first to allow the system
to become available.
3.1.2 WSS2003 Activation
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 must undergo its activation pro-
cedure before you start using it. The activation procedure is possible via
the internet or by phone. In this chapter, the procedure for activating
WSS2003 via the Internet is described. Before starting the procedure,
make sure the system is available for connection to the internet.
Note: The load balancing mode requires the two net-
work ports to be connected to one hub for normal
operation. If the user chooses not to operate
under load balancing mode, or an alternative
mode is required, please see “Network Configu-
ration Setting”.
Note: Microsoft makes the system available for use for
30 days without activating it. If the user fails to
activate WSS2003 within 30 days, on the 31st
day, the user will not be able to log in and then
must activate to continue use.