For IDE Drive
Note: Set up your IDE hard drive
as Master device
Connect the 4-Pin Molex cable to
the power connector on the IDE
hard drive. Carefully place the IDE
hard drive with the label facing up
into the Diamond enclosure. Push
the hard drive towards the back end
to secure the drive connectors onto
the Diamond enclosure’s IDE
Step 4
Turn the Diamond enclosure over
with the hard drive mounting holes
facing up. Use the included flat
head screws to secure the hard
drive onto the bottom of the
enclosure and turn in the screw to
the “LOCK” position.
Cable Connections
Power: Connect the 6-pin Mini DIN power cable (provided) to the 6-pin
Mini DIN power connector located at the back of the enclosure.
Connect the eSATA to eSATA cable to the eSATA connector located at
the back of the enclosure and the other end of the eSATA cable to the
eSATA connector on your SATA host controller with eSATA ports.
Connect the eSATA to eSATA cable to the eSATA connector located at
the back of the enclosure and the other end of the eSATA cable to the
eSATA connector on the USB2.0 to eSATA adapter. You can now plug
the adapter to a USB port on your system.
Powering On Enclosure: To power on the enclosure, move the switch
located at the back of the enclosure to the ON mode. When the switch is
turned on, the LED light beside it would light up to indicate power and
also drive access.
Note: There are no drivers needed to use the eSATA cable as long
as the drivers are installed for the Serial ATA Controller card/chip. It
is plug and play.