4/08 • 101709AE
Network Management
Network Management
LoopStar 800/1600/3600 Provide Flexible Options for Network Management
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
The LoopStar EMS is a Windows
software application designed to operate in
standard client-server-based configurations.
The system is a scalable platform consisting of
a central database/server software application
with options for multiple client servers hosted
from the central server. The total number
of LoopStar 800/1600/3600 elements to be
managed by a common LoopStar EMS is a
function of the server/client system and memory
capacity. Standard network configurations
are approximately 1-32 systems per
LoopStar 800 EMS.
Communications between the LoopStar
EMS and network LoopStar 800/1600/3600
systems is via TL1 or SNMP message control
over Ethernet LAN/WAN communications.
The LoopStar EMS can also funnel network
configuration, alarms and performance
monitoring information to higher-order network
management systems via TL1/CORBA/MML
north-bound LAN/WAN
interface communications.
The LoopStar EMS-LCT is a PC-based software
application designed to work on Windows 2000
or Windows XP system. The LoopStar EMS- LCT
provides management and configuration
functions at the NE layer to a single
concurrent session.
Web-Local Craft Terminal
The Web-LCT is a JavaScript application
embedded in LoopStar Network Element (NE)
software. Through the Web-LCT, customers can
manage, maintain and configure the LoopStar 800
using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Users can access
the LoopStar 800 and configure services or query
alarms on it just by opening Microsoft Internet
Explorer on their terminal computers and then
entering the IP address of the NE. Once accessed,
the Web-LCT provides configuration management,
fault management, performance monitoring,
security and testing management. Web-LCT
will be available on the LoopStar 1600 in the
near future.
Transaction Language (TL1)
TL1 is a derivation of the CCITT Man-Machine
Language (MML). The LoopStar SONET product
family TL1 specification is derived from Telcordia
standards referenced in the TL1 Command
Set Technical Publication. The LoopStar
800/1600/3600 can be managed directly via
TL1 commands by technicians who log into
the NE LAN port using terminal emulation on
a PC. They can perform all of the network
management functions referenced in the EMS/
EMS-LCT section of this document. Using TL1
the LoopStar 800 has complete integration into
Telcordia ‘s TIRKS and NMA OSS systems for
inventory and network monitoring.