© Adam Equipment Company 2012
The balance comes equipped with an RS-232 Serial Interface.
The connector is a DE-9P female fitting with the following connections.
Pin 2 TXD Transmitted data
Pin 3 RXD Received data
Pin 5 GND Signal ground
Printing Output:
The lines will include a heading for each detail then the value. A typical output when
weighing is shown below. 6 lines of data are printed if all are enabled.
All lines end with a carriage return <cr> and a line feed <lf>, (0dH and 0aH in ASCII).
Input command format:
The balance can be controlled by a PC with the following commands. The commands
must be sent in upper case letters, i.e. “T” not “t”.
Z<cr><lf> Will Zero the scale, performs the same functions as pressing the [Zero] key.
Will send a Print command to a PC or Printer. Performs the same functions as
pressing the [Print] key.
C<cr><lf> Will clear the last recorded reading from the display. Performs the same
functions as pressing the [Clear] key
W<cr><lf> Will change the Weight measuring unit being used between kg, lbs and lbs
and ounces. Performs the same functions as pressing the [kg/lb] key.
H<cr><lf> Will change the Height measuring unit being used between cm, inches and
feet and inches. Performs the same functions as pressing the [cm/ft] key.
Doctor Id: 00001
Patient Id: 0000000123
Weight: 80.00 kg
Height: 183 cm
BMI: 23.9