| P a g e © Adam Equipment Company 2011
The scale can be set to animal (dynamic) weighing for weighing any items that are
unstable or may move. . See Section 13.4.
The scale will use a special filter to minimise the effects of any movement on the
• Press [Func]. The first option is “FUnC 1”, press the [Func] key 3 more times to
display “Func 4”.
• Press the [Tare] key. “F4 PCt” will be displayed. Press the [Func] key to
advance to the second function, “F4 AnL”, Animal weighing.
• Press [Tare] to enter the animal weighing function.
• To use the Animal Weighing function it is necessary to set the amount of
filtering required for the animals to be weighed. More active animals will
require a higher level of filtering to give a stable result. The display will show
“Filt x” where x is a value from 1 to 5. The higher the value the greater the
amount of filter will be. To increment the value shown press the [Func] key
then press the [Tare] key to accept it.
• The display will flash “Ani “ 2 times then show the current weight, 0.00. The
scale is now ready to weigh.