| P a g e © Adam Equipment Company 2011
The scale can be calibrated using the following procedure. To enter this
procedure it is necessary to use Func 4 accessible using the [Func/C] key as
described in section 7.4 or using the password access as described in
section 12.
The ABK/AFK scales calibrate using either metric or pound weights,
depending on the weighing unit in use before calibration. The display will
show either "kg" or "lb" to identify the weights expected.
• Enter the calibration section using Func 4, C8 CAL or using the
password as described in section 12.
• The display will show "unLoAd".
• Remove any weight from platform, when the stable symbol is on
press [Z/T].
• The display will show "Ld" the “0000XX” to show the last calibration
weight used. Place this calibration weight on the scale. Press
the [Z/T] key. If the weight you put on the scale does not match
the value displayed, press the [Func/C] key to clear the vale then
use the [Unit/] key and [Pcs/] key to set the correct value.
When it is correct press [Z/T].
• If the calibration is acceptable the scale will run a self-test during
which the calibration weight should be removed. If an error
message “FAiL L” is shown try calibration again as a disturbance
may have prevented a successful calibration.
After calibration the scale should be checked to verify the calibration is
correct. If necessary repeat calibration, make sure that the scale is stable
before accepting any weight.