Introducing the BIOS
User’s Manual
Two items available: OFF or ON. The default setting is OFF. When set to ON, any event occurring at a
VGA port will awaken a system that has powered down.
Two items are available: OFF or ON. The default setting is ON. When set to ON, any event affecting a
hard disk drive or floppy drive port will awaken a system that has powered down.
PCI Master:
Two items are available: OFF or ON. The default setting is OFF. When set to ON, any event affecting the
PCI Master signal will awaken a system that has powered down.
PowerOn by PCI Card (PME):
Two items are available: Disabled or Enabled. The default setting is Disabled. When set to Enabled, any
event affecting PCI card (PME) will awaken a system that has powered down.
Wake Up On LAN/Ring :
Two items are available: Disabled or Enabled. The default setting is Disabled. When set to Enabled, any
event affecting the LAN or modem ring will awaken a system that has powered down. The effective
signal must come from WOL or WOR.
RTC Alarm Resume:
Two items are available: Disabled or Enabled. The default setting is Disabled. When set to Enabled, you
can set the date and time at which the RTC (real-time clock) alarm awakens the system from Suspend
Date (of Month) / Resume Time (hh:mm:ss):
You can set the Date (month) Alarm and Time Alarm (hh:mm:ss). Any event occurring will awaken a
system that has powered down.
IRQs Activity Monitoring:
The following is a list of IRQ’s, Interrupt ReQuests. When an I/O device wants to gain the attention of
the operating system, it causes an IRQ to occur. When the operating system is ready to respond to the
request, it interrupts itself and performs the service.
When one of the specified events occurs, the count down for entry into the power saving mode goes back
to zero. Since the computer will enter a power saving mode only after a specified inactivity delay (time
specific for Doze, Standby and Suspend modes) and after there has been no activity during this time
period, any event will cause the computer to re-count the time elapsed. Resume events are operations or
signals that cause the computer to resume time counting.