About Trace Modes
Peak: In this mode, as the antenna crosses the cable, the Receiver speaker
volume increases to a maximum and the bar graph fills from both sides
toward the middle. As the antenna moves off the cable path, the speaker
volume decreases and the bar graph opens.
Peak with High-Expanded: While in Peak mode, press
to select
High-Expanded (the highest setting). Speaker response is cut off as the
antenna moves away from the cable.
Null: In this mode, the signal is a minimum directly over the cable and is
maximum on either side of the cable. The speaker volume and display
signal strength correspond to the signal being received. In the normal bar
graph display mode (Null flag flashing) the bar graph opens at low signal
strength and closes at high signal strength. In the inverse Null bar graph
display mode (Null flag is on solid), the bar graph closes at low signal
strength and opens at high signal strength.
Differential: In this mode, the Receiver provides an indication of the
relative position of the cable to the Receiver by displaying right or left
arrows (the arrow points toward the cable). The bar graph increases to a
maximum as the Receiver antenna is moved directly over the cable path.
Speaker response is a high warbling tone to the right of the cable path, a
low warbling tone to the left, and a solid tone directly over the cable.
Special Peak Mode: This mode will increase the signal sensitivity of the
Receiver when the signal is too weak for normal tracing. Use special
attention when using this mode because it is more susceptible to congestion
than the normal peak mode.
Numerical Signal Strength Display Resolution: The user may select
between 3 levels of signal strength resolution. The setting will be displayed
on the right end of the bar graph during selection.To change the setting,
press and hold the
key during power up then press the key.
Display resolution may be changed between the standard 1X, (no bars
illuminated), 2X, (One bar illuminated), and 4X (Two bars illuminated).
The unit saves the last setting until changed.
Note: While tracing cables, keep the Receiver handle in line with the
suspected cable path.
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