Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 623NP Blower User Manual

2.4 Monitoring Impedance Respiration (Models 622xx & 623xx)
The lower trace can display the Impedance Respiration waveform if this is chosen in Advanced
Configuration. In this case, the Respiration Rate is displayed above the right side of the waveform. The
Impedance Respiration waveform is always derived from Lead I (RA-LA).
What is it? - Respiration Rate is measured with
the ECG leads. As the chest expands and contracts
during the respiration cycle, the resistance, or
impedance, between the RA-LA electrodes (
) changes. The result of these changes indicates
the respiration rate.
For best performance in monitoring impedance
respiration rate, change the LA and RA electrode
placement to the mid-axillary line on each side of
the chest as shown in the section on connecting
the ECG.
Where is it? - In Atlas Monitor model 622xx, the
lower trace normally shows cascading ECG. In
Atlas Monitor model 623xx, the lower trace
normally displays the ETCO
However, the lower trace can instead show
Impedance Respiration, if it is chosen in
Advanced Configuration.
How to display it – You can change the Second
trace selection settings in Advanced
Press the
Date/Time button.
Use either
Select button to highlight Second
trace selection.
Use either
Set button to choose Respiration
from the choices ECG, SpO
, Respiration,
(model 623xx).
Trend to exit Advanced Configuration.
Impedance Respiration is sensitive to patient
movement, making it less accurate than ETCO
for measuring the breath rate. For this reason,
model 623xx users often prefer to view the
waveform and let the monitor measure
breath rate from this source.
Alarms - When either of the respiration rate limits
are exceeded, an audible alarm sounds and the
affected measurement flashes. If the Print On
Alarm configuration is set to Yes, this alarm will
trigger an automatic print. You can silence the
respiration alarm, and all alarms, by pressing the
large blue
Silence button at the right side of the
instrument. This will silence all alarms for 60, 90,
or 120 seconds, depending on the setting selected
in Advanced Configuration. However, any
measurement still outside the set limits will flash.
When alarms are silenced, they do not trigger a
Print On Alarm.
To suspend the respiration rate alarms, press the
button so the red LED in the button lights. A sus-
pended alarm will still flash if it goes outside the
range of the limits, but it will not sound the
audible alarm. When an alarm is suspended, it will
not trigger a Print On Alarm.
Note: The respiration rate alarm can be suspended
for only 3 minutes when the language setting is
configured to “Francais”. If the language is set
to any other language, pressing the
button will suspend the alarm
until you remove the suspension.
Warning: Impedance Respiration rate
measurement and alarm capability are active
ONLY when the second trace option is set to
Respiration. Should the operator change from
viewing the Respiration waveforms and breath
rate to another selection (SpO
, CO
or ECG)
the Respiration rate monitoring and alarm
capability will be disabled. This occurs even if
the ECG cable is still inserted into the Monitor.