Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 621NP Blower User Manual

units – The concentration of Carbon Dioxide
can be expressed in millimeters of mercury
(mmHg), percent (%), or kiloPascals (kPa). The
values displayed for percentage and kiloPascals are
calculated from the mmHg partial pressure based
upon current barometric conditions.
Print On Alarm - In models with printers, Print
On Alarm can be configured. If the
configuration is set to Yes, then a new Patient
Alarm or a new Measurement Invalid Alarm will
trigger an automatic print of the currently
configured waveforms and current
measurements. The alarming values will be
marked with asterisks in the printed report. A
Print On Alarm will not occur for low battery
alarms or for instrument problem alarms. If
alarms are silenced or suspended, a Print On
Alarm will not occur, but if the alarm is still
active when the silence period is over or when
the alarm is unsuspended, a Print On Alarm will