DANGER: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing
objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious
injury or death.
• Read,understand,andfollowallinstruc-
tions on the machine and in the manual
before starting.
• Donot puthands orfeet nearrotating
parts or under the machine. Keep clear
of the discharge opening at all times.
• Onlyallowresponsibleadults,whoare
familiar with the instructions, to operate
the machine.
• Cleartheareaofobjectssuchasrocks,
toys, wire, etc., which could be picked up
and thrown by the blade.
• Besuretheareaisclearofbystanders
before operating. Stop machine if anyone
enters the area.
• Nevercarrypassengers.
• Donotmowinreverseunlessabsolutely
necessary. Always look down and behind
before and while backing.
• Neverdirectdischargedmaterialtoward
anyone. Avoid discharging material
against a wall or obstruction. Material may
ricochet back toward the operator. Stop the
blade when crossing gravel surfaces.
• Donotoperatemachinewithouttheentire
grass catcher, discharge chute, or other
safety devices in place and working.
• Slowdownbeforeturning.
• Never leave a running machine unat-
tended. Always turn off blade, set park-
ing brake, stop engine, and remove keys
before dismounting.
• Disengagebladewhennotmowing.Shut
off engine and wait for all parts to come
to a complete stop before cleaning the
machine, removing the grass catcher, or
unclogging the discharge chute.
• Operatemachineonlyindaylightorgood
artificial light.
• Donotoperatethemachinewhileunder
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Watchfortrafficwhenoperatingnearor
crossing roadways.
• Useextracarewhenloadingorunloading
the machine into a trailer or truck.
• Alwaysweareyeprotectionwhenoperat-
ing machine.
• Data indicates that operators, age 60
years and above, are involved in a large
percentage of riding mower-related inju-
ries. These operators should evaluate
their ability to operate the riding mower
safely enough to protect themselves and
others from serious injury.
• Keepmachinefreeofgrass,leavesor
other debris build-up which can touch hot
exhaust / engine parts and burn. Do not
allow the mower deck to plow leaves or
other debris which can cause build-up to
occur. Clean any oil or fuel spillage before
operating or storing the machine. Allow
machine to cool before storage.
WARNING: In order to prevent acciden-
tal starting when setting up, transporting,
adjusting or making repairs, always discon-
nect spark plug wire and place wire where
it cannot contact spark plug.
WARNING: Do not coast down a hill in
neutral, you may lose control of the riding
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its
constituents, and certain vehicle components
contain or emit chem i cals known to the State
of Cal i for nia to cause can cer and birth defects
or oth er re pro duc tive harm.
WARNING:This unit is not intended for
towing, or use of wheel weights. Only use
attachments designed specifically for this
riding mower.
WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and
related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals known to the State of
Cal i for nia to cause can cer and birth defects
or oth er re pro duc tive harm. Wash hands
after handling.