1526 8.08
One Year Warranty
This product is warranted against defects in materials or workmanship
for one (1) year from date of original purchase.It does not cover
damages or wear resulting from accident,misuse,abuse, commercial
use,or unauthorized adjustment and/or repair.Should this product re-
quire service (or replacement at our option) while under warranty,do
not return to retailer.Please pack the item carefully and return it pre-
paid, along with store receipt showing date of purchase and a note ex-
plaining reason for return to:
Taylor Precision Products
2220 Entrada Del Sol, SuiteA
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
There are no express warranties except as listed above.This warranty
gives you specific legal rights,and you may have other rights which
vary from state to state.
For additional product information,or warranty information in Canada
or elsewhere outside the USA,please contact us through
Made to our exact specifications in China.
© 2008Taylor Precision Products and its affiliated companies,all rights
reserved.Taylor® and Leading the Way in Accuracy® are registered
trademarks of Taylor Precision Products and its affiliated companies.
WeatherGuide™ is a trademark ofTaylor Precision Products and its af-
filiated companies.All rights reserved.