25 hours running (fig 17 - 18).
All plastic bearings should be lubricated twice
each season.
Apply universal grease to the steering chain a cou-
ple of times each season. If the steering chain is re-
ally dirty, dismantle it, wash it, and then grease it
once more.
Apply a coating of engine oil to the tension arm
joints twice each season.
Apply a few drops of engine oil on both ends of the
throttle control cable a couple of times a season.
The transmission is filled with oil (SAE 80W-90)
on delivery from the factory. If it is not opened
(which must only be done by a specialist), no top-
ping up with oil should normally be done.
Check the acid level regularly.
The acid level should be between “UPPER” and
“LOWER” on the battery. When adjusting the lev-
el only use distilled water (battery water).
The battery acid is extremely corrosive
and can cause burns and injury to skin
and clothing. Always use rubber gloves,
and glasses (goggles) to protect the eyes.
Avoid inhaling any acid vapour.
Do not incline the battery too much so
that the battery acid can run out on to
hands or clothing. If this should hap-
pen, flush with lots of water.
If the battery terminals are coated with oxide they
should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with
a wire brush and grease them.
Clean the foam pre-filter I every 3 months or after
every 25 hours of operation, whichever comes
Clean the paper filter insert J once a year or after
every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes
first (fig 19 - 20).
NOTE! The filter should be cleaned more often if
the machine operates on dusty ground.
1. Remove the protective cover of the air filter and
the foam plastic filter.
2. Wash the pre-cleaner in liquid detergent and wa-
ter. Squeeze dry. Pour a little oil on the filter and
squeeze in the oil.
3. Loosen and remove the nut which hold the paper
filter. Lift our the paper filter and thoroughly clean
the air filter housing to prevent dirt from entering
the carburettor.
4. Clean the paper filter as follows: Knock it light-
ly against a flat surface. If the filter is very dirty,
change it.
5. Assemble in the reverse order.
Petroleum-based solvents such as kerosene must
not be used for cleaning the paper filter as these
can destroy the filter.
Do not use compressed air for cleaning the paper
filter. The paper filter must not be oiled.
The engine is air-cooled. A blocked cooling sys-
tem can damage the engine. The engine should be
cleaned at least once a year or every 100 hours run-
Remove the fan casing. Clean the cooling fins on
the cylinder, the fan and the rotating protective
grille (fig 21 - 22). Glean more frequently if mow-
ing dry grass.
An oily and sooty sparking plug with burnt elec-
trodes makes the engine difficult to start.
Clean the plug with a wire brush (do not sand-
blast) and reset the spark gap to 0.75 mm.
Replace the sparking plug if the electrodes are bad-
ly burnt. For replacing a sparking plug, a sparking
plug sleeve AC and torsion pin AD are provided in
the plastic bag containing accessories.
The engine manufacturer recommends:
Classic-President: Champion J19LM.
Pro16-Pro18: Champion RC12YC
The carburettor is positioned at the factory and ad-
justment should not be necessary.
If the carburettor after all has to be adjusted, con-
tact a service station.