31MS 270, MS 270 C, MS 280, MS 280 C
English / USA
: Disengage the chain brake: Pull
hand guard (9) towards the front
: Turn the guide bar so that the
tensioning gear is facing you.
: Fit the chain over the sprocket (10).
The long collar screw (11) engages
the hole in the tensioning gear. The
heads of the two short collar screws
locate in the guide bar slot.
: Make sure the drive link tangs
engage the bar groove (see arrow)
and then rotate tensioning gear
counterclockwise as far as stop.
: Fit the chain sprocket cover so that
the wingnut locates on the collar
screw (11).
133BA032 KN
133BA033 KN
133BA034 KN
133BA035 KN