Sears APG3004A Portable Generator User Manual

i 000 G
Cleanfuel filter every !50 hours of run time
1.Removefuel fiiter from inside fuel tank
2_Cleanwith solvent.
3. Wipedry,
4. Inse_tfiiter backin fuet tank.
if the generatorwill not be usedfor more thanone month follow the foiiowing
1 DrainaiSfue_from engine(including fuel tank, fuelcock and carburetor)
2 Shaketankand drain excessoii,
3 Removespark plug and pour approximately one (1) tablespoonof motor oil
ir_tospark plug hote,
4 Repiacespark plug
& With ignition switch in 'gFP position, pull starter cord severaltimes until
you feelpiston is in its compression stroke_(resistancewill increase).
& Covergeneratorand store in dry, we#_ventHated,place.
1 For nonq_andhelde_gines:TheEmissionsCompiiancePerod rderred to on
the EmissionsCompiiance/abet indicatesthe number of operatinghours for
which the enginehasbeenshown to meet Federalemission requirements
For enginestessthan 66 cc, CategoryC=50hours, B=125hours, and
A=3O0hour& For enginesequalto or greaterthan 66 cc but tessthan
225 cc dispBcement_CategoryC=125hours 8=250 hours, and A=5,00
hours, Forenginesof 225 cc or more Category C=250hours_B=500
hours, andA=1000 hours.
2. For handholdengines:The EmissionsCompliancePeriod referredto on
the EmissionsCompiianceiabeiindicatesthe number of operatinghours,
for which the enginehas beenshown to meet Federaiemission
requirements.CategoryC=50hours, B=125hours, and A=300 hours.