NOTE: The heat pump will be OFF when the Remote
position is selected on the Pool/Spa selector switch and
there is no remote control system attached.
4.Allow the heat pump to operate for a few minutes to
stabilize operating pressures and to allow various
component temperatures to normalize.
5. Verify that the discharge air temperature is
approximately 8° - 10° cooler than the air entering the
VI. Seasonal Start-Up or Annual Check
1. Remove leaves, pine needles, etc. from the evaporator coil. Clean the coil by spraying it with
a mild solution of household liquid soap and water.
2. Flush the coil with a garden hose; DO NOT use a high-pressure sprayer.
3. Backwash or otherwise clean the pool filter. If necessary, clean the skimmer basket and pump
4. Set the valves to assure proper water flow through the unit.
5. Set the water temperature control to the desired temperature range for either pool or spa.
6. Turn the control switch to either Pool or Spa. If the pool pump is running and the water is
colder than the setting of the temperature control, the heat pump will start up and run. It will
run until the desired water temperature is reached, or until the pool pump shuts OFF.
NOTE: If the pool pump and heat pump shut OFF before the water temperature is
raised to the desired level, you must lengthen the running time of both. To do this,
reset the time clock dial for the longer running time, or manually operate the pump
with the timer override switch. Since the pool heat pump capacity and efficiency are
both greater at higher ambient air temperatures, run time should be set to take
advantage of all daylight hours, when the air is generally warmer.
VII. Heat Pump Running Time
1. Determine the length of pump and heat pump operating time necessary for your particular
requirements. Minimum run time should be the required hours to attain proper pool water
filtration. Maximum run time obviously is 24 hours per day, or as required to reach desired
pool temperature, and depends on such things as weather, pool size, covering, shading, etc.
2. If cooler or warmer water is desired, simply adjust the water temperature control and/or the
pump and heat pump operating time accordingly, until the desired water temperature is
NOTE: At the beginning of the heating season, or whenever the pool water
temperature is to be raised several degrees, the pool pump and heat pump may
need to operate continuously for several days. During summer months, only a few
hours per day may be necessary, or none at all.
Spa thermostat
Pool/Spa selector
Pool thermostat