Poulan PO500N21RH3 Lawn Mower User Manual

Safety Rules .................2-3
IMPORTANT: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing ob-
jects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
Look for this symbol to point out im por -
tant safety precautions. It means
WARNING: In order to prevent ac ci den tal
starting when setting up, trans port ing, ad-
just ing or making repairs, always dis con nect
spark plug wire and place wire where it can not
come in contact with plug.
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its
constituents, and certain vehicle com po -
nents contain or emit chem i cals known to
the State of Cal i for nia to cause can cer and
birth defects or oth er re pro duc tive harm.
WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and
related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals known to the State
of Cal i for nia to cause can cer and birth
defects or oth er re pro duc tive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
CAUTION: Muffl er and
other engine parts become
extremely hot during
operation and remain hot
after engine has stopped.
To avoid severe burns on
contact, stay away from these areas.
• Read, understand, and follow all
in struc tions on the machine and in the
manual(s) before starting. Be thor ough ly
familiar with the controls and the proper
use of the machine before starting.
• Do not put hands or feet near or under
rotating parts. Keep clear of the dis-
charge opening at all times.
• Only allow responsible individuals, who
are familiar with the in struc tions, to oper-
ate the machine.
• Clear the area of objects such as rocks,
toys, wire, bones, sticks, etc., which
could be picked up and thrown by blade.
• Be sure the area is clear of other people
before mowing. Stop ma chine if anyone
enters the area.
• Do not operate the mower when bare-
foot or wearing open sandals. Al ways
wear substantial foot wear.
• Do not pull mower backwards unless
absolutely nec es sary. Always look down
and behind before and while moving
• Never direct discharged material toward
anyone. Avoid discharging material against
a wall or obstruction. Material may richo-
chet back toward the operator. Stop the
blade when crossing gravel surfaces.
• Do not operate the mower without
proper guards, plates, grass catcher or
oth er safety protective devices in place.
• See manufacturer’s instructions for
proper operation and installation of
accessories. Only use accessories ap-
proved by the manufacturer.
• Stop the blade(s) when crossing grav el
drives, walks, or roads.
• Stop the engine (motor) whenever you
leave the equip ment, before clean ing the
mower or unclogging the chute.
• Shut the engine (motor) off and wait until
the blade comes to complete stop before
removing grass catcher.
• Mow only in daylight / good artifi cial light.
• Do not operate the machine while under
the infl uence of alcohol or drugs.
• Never operate machine in wet grass.
Always be sure of your footing: keep a
rm hold on the handle; walk, never run.
• Disengage the self-propelled mech-
a nism or drive clutch on mowers so
equipped before starting the engine.
• If the equipment should start to vi brate
abnormally, stop the engine (motor) and
check immediately for the cause. Vibra-
tion is generally a warning of trouble.
Always wear safety goggles or safe ty glass-
es with side shields when op er at ing mower.
Slopes are a major factor related to slip &
fall accidents which can result in severe in-
jury. All slopes require extra caution. If you
feel uneasy on a slope, do not mow it.
• Mow across the face of slopes: nev er
up and down. Exercise extreme caution
when changing direction on slopes.
Service and
• Remove spark plug.
• Pour one ounce (29 ml) of oil through
spark plug hole into cylinder.
• Pull starter handle slowly to dis trib ute oil.
• Replace with new spark plug.
Disconnect the battery from the engine
connector and charge battery 48 hours.
• Do not store gasoline from one sea son
to another.
• Replace your gasoline can if your can
starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt in your
gasoline will cause problems.
• If possible, store your unit indoors and
cover it to protect it from dust and dirt.
• Cover your unit with a suitable pro tec tive
cover that does not retain mois ture. Do
not use plastic. Plas tic cannot breathe,
which allows con den sa tion to form and
will cause your unit to rust.
IMPORTANT: Never cover mower while
engine and exhaust areas are still warm.
CAUTION: Never store the lawn mow er
with gaso line in the tank in side a build ing
where fumes may reach an open fl ame
or spark. Allow the engine to cool before
storing in any en clo sure.
IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum
deposits from forming in essential fuel system
parts such as carburetor, fuel fi lter, fuel hose,
or tank during storage. Alcohol blended fuels
(called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol)
can attract moisture which leads to separa-
tion and formation of acids during storage.
Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of
an engine while in storage.
• Drain the fuel tank.
• Start the engine and let it run until the
fuel lines and car bu re tor are empty.
• Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
prod ucts in the fuel tank or permanent
damage may occur.
• Use fresh fuel next season.
NOTE: Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable al-
ternative in min i miz ing the formation of fuel
gum deposits during stor age. Add stabilizer
to gasoline in fuel tank or storage container.
Always follow the mix ratio found on stabilizer
container. Run engine at least 10 min utes
after adding stabilizer to allow the stabilizer
to reach the car bu re tor. Do not drain the gas
tank and car bu re tor if using fuel stabilizer.
Drain oil (with engine warm) and replace
with clean oil. (See “ENGINE” in the Main-
tenance section of this manual).
Does not start 1. Dirty air fi lter. 1. Clean/replace air fi lter.
2. Out of fuel. 2. Fill fuel tank.
3. Stale fuel. 3. Drain fuel tank and refi ll tank
with fresh, clean gasoline.
4. Water in fuel. 4. Drain fuel tank and refi ll tank
with fresh, clean gasoline.
5. Spark plug wire is 5. Connect wire to plug.
6. Bad spark plug. 6. Replace spark plug.
7. Loose blade or broken 7. Tighten blade bolt or
blade adapter. replace blade adapter.
8. Control bar in released 8. Depress control bar to
position. handle.
9. Control bar defective. 9. Replace control bar.
10.Fuel valve lever (if so 10.Turn fuel valve lever
equipped) in OFF position. to the ON position.
11. Weak battery (if equipped). 11.Charge battery.
12.Disconnected battery 12.Connect battery to engine.
connector (if equipped).
TROUBLESHOOTING - See appropriate section in manual unless directed
to an authorized Service Center.