Poulan COGT22H48A Lawn Mower User Manual

Gasoline 5 Gallons
Capacity Unleaded
and Type: Regular
Oil Type SAE 30 (above 32°F)
(API-SF-SJ): SAE 5W-30
(Below 32°F)
Oil Capacity: W/Filter: 4.0 Pints
W/O Filter: 3.75 Pints
Spark Plug: Champion QC12YC
(Gap: .040")
Ground Speed Forward: 5.8
(MPH): Reverse: 2.1
Tire Pressure: Front: 14 PSI
Rear: 10 PSI
Charging 16 Amps @ 3600RPM
Battery: Amp/Hr: 35
Min. CCA: 280
Case Size: U1R
Blade Bolt 45-55 Ft. Lbs.
CONGRATULATIONS on your pur chase
of a new tractor. It has been designed,
en gi neered and man u fac tured to give
you the best pos si ble de pend abil i ty and
per for mance.
Should you experience any problem you
cannot easily remedy, please con tact
your nearest authorized service center/
department . We have competent, well-
trained tech ni cians and the prop er tools to
service or repair this trac tor.
Please read and retain this manual. The
instructions will enable you to as sem ble
and maintain your tractor prop er ly. Always
observe the “SAFE TY RULES”.
• Read and observe the safety rules.
• Follow a regular schedule in main-
tain ing, caring for and using your tractor.
• Follow the instructions under “Main te -
nance” and “Stor age” sec tions of this
own er’s manual.
WARNING: This tractor is equipped
with an internal combustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unim-
proved forest-covered, brush-covered or
grass-covered land unless the engine’s
exhaust system is equipped with a spark
arrester meeting applicable local or state
laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it
should be maintained in effective working
order by the op er a tor.
In the state of California the above is
required by law (Section 4442 of the
California Public Resources Code). Other
states may have similar laws. Federal
laws apply on federal lands. A spark ar-
rester for the muffl er is available through
your nearest authorized service center/de-
partment (See REPAIR PARTS section of
this manual).