Motor will not start SOLUTION: A,B
Low/Surging pressure or no water flow SOLUTION: C,D,E,F,G,H
No chemical injection SOLUTION: I,J,K,L
Cause Solution
A- Tripped GFCI cord Reset GFCI cord
B- Tripped motor relay Reset motor
C- Insufficient water supply See water supply section of this manual
D- Plugged pump inlet filter See maintenance section of this manual
E- Wrong nozzle Make sure high pressure nozzle is being used
F- Plugged nozzle Remove nozzle, check for blockage
G- Worn nozzle Replace nozzle
H- Leak in pressure hose Replace pressure hose
I- Wrong nozzle Make sure chemical nozzle is being used
J- Back pressure from extra long discharge hose Try shorter hose
K- Leak in chemical siphon hose Replace hose – use hose clamps if necessary
L- Chemical strainer not submerged Make sure strainer is completely submerged
The manufacturer reserves the right to make improvements in design
and/or changes in specifications at any time without incurring any
obligation to install them on units previously sold.
Any Questions, Comments, Problems or Parts Orders
Call NorthStar Customer Service 1-800-270-0810